The Birth of Venus

Day 2 of 362 Day Year At Sea with RSSC Travelogue

I have always loved the paintings of Sandro Botticelli particularly The Birth of Venus so it was one marked off my bucket list to see it at the Uffizi when we visited Forence.  The collections in this incredible museum were begun by the Medici family and include a treasure trove of a huge collection of minatures and masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Carravagio, Raphael, Bellini, Goya, Rubens, and Titian as well as Botticelli.  One note of advice – do not be disappointed – purchase your tickets online before your visit as admission to the museum is limited and set by specified times.  Tickets are available for purchase in the squae and at the museum however if your time is limited I highly recommend purchasing tickets in advance.

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